Tzu Chi: Serving with Compassion

The Taiwan Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation is the largest non-government organisation in the Chinese-speaking world, with 10 million volunteers in 50 countries and 502 offices worldwide. It was established in 1966 by Dharma Master Cheng Yen in Hualien, east Taiwan with 30 housewives who saved two cents from their grocery money each day to help the poor. It has built six hospitals in Taiwan, Asia’s first bone marrow bank, schools, academies and two universities in Taiwan and abroad. It delivers relief goods to people in need around the world.and has its own television station “Great Love Television”, In Taiwan, it operates 4,500 recycling stations with over 50,000 volunteers. This book describes the extraordinary history of Master Cheng Yen and the growth of her foundation, which has inspired people all over the world.